Traumatized, Mark begins to cry. Immortal, like his name says, returns. "What will you have after five-hundred years?!" Deja vu is a funny thing. Robot walks in and tells them he had studied her physiology, which meant that if they got him out of the room, she would die. He told his son to relax and realized Mark had practiced the night before. Invincible admits that he believed Rex was an asshole, but Eve said that that hadnt always been the case. He tells him that they should get going and suggests that they should keep their squid-dogs under control. Mark tells Eve what happened with Amber, which she empathizes with. Omni-Man's right eye is punched out during his fight with Thragg, and later on Thragg gets one himself when Battle Beast sinks his fang into the Regent's eye. Mark tells him that maybe he could explain after they killed the monster. Amber walks back in and Mark makes up a lame excuse to leave. Y/n L/n wants to live a normal life. (finale episode), Title in reference to a lyric from Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers. In the final few arcs, things are really kicked into high gear, as one might imagine: And, of course, when Allen the Alien's flight back to Earth interrupts the travel of the almost-Enterprise-D. He tells her hes incredible and doesnt stop talking about him, which annoys Mark. After class, Mark complains about a test, but Eve tells him its important. After revealing that she was watching Mark arm wrestle his father, she kisses him, much to Mark confusion. Although this is revealed moments before he IS gotten rid of at long last. Hes shot at once again, but is saved by Atom Eve who sets up a force field and defends him. The Guardians of the Globe have rescued you and brought you to get intensive care under the great Cecil Stedman. Mark walks up to his parents and Nolan grabs him, telling him he had seen what he had done. Mark refused and Anissa lost her patience [2]. What does the Destroyer Of Worlds think as he travels through the world of Invincible. She is later watching Nolan and his son arm wrestling. This story follows the coming of age of superhero Mark Grayson / Invincible, a Viltrumite and first-born son of Omni-Man, the most powerful person on the planet. She also reported that the area where one of Robots drones being located and the Viltrumites were awaiting his order. At training, Mark tried attacking his father, who at first was able to dodge his punched. As Nolan tried watching television, all he saw was the speech he gave at the funeral while he changed the channels. An alternate future version is shown to have drifted into madness after outliving all of his friends and loved ones. When Mark gets home, he runs into Nolan, who tells him to slow down. The Immortal (Invincible) Action/Adventure Mystery Fantasy Romance Forgiveness Moving On Redemption Bitterness Markus Murphy has a good life as 'Kid-Invincible', however he had learned a very horrifying truth regarding his birth. Mark Grayson was born to Nolan Grayson, a Viltrumite male, and Debbie Grayson, a human female. Mark saw Nolan being crushed by the huge creature Nolan had faced before and raced forward in order to help him. The victors of these fights will be determined purely by which character I want to see win and not by any sort of fact-based analysis, though I will try to keep things as close to canon as possible. Atom Eve also uses her powers to remove clothes and place them, neatly folded, in a drawer. Cecil hands him a comm device and tells him Eve would be there as well. At Upstate University, they greet Rick, who helps them with their bags. Eve tries to save her but Anissa's wounds are too severe. He tells him that when he told the Coalition of Planets he had been going to Earth instead of Urath, they had lost their minds and lets him know there was a Viltrumite in his planet. Latest Appearance [3] Later, Mark teamed up with his father to battle an alien invasion from a group called the Flaxans. Mark and Nolan had a hard time facing the creature sent by Cecil. This is seen as a good thing since the all-powerful empire is made of good guys. She, then, told him that another agent will come to check on his progress in either five months or five years. They end up fighting an actual coalition of planets because it gets presented as antiquated and unfair way, seeing one empire deciding what's right as a much fairer and more auspicable solution. The team started getting overwhelmed and was about to get shot at once again until the aliens started dying and leaving. At school, Mark walks down the hall, not caring if he bumped into anyone. Mark asks if he can go and bring Amber, saying he needed it. adventure heroes markgrayson +9 more # 7 arachnid + invincible by werecoyote 1.3K 64 2 markus grayson x f!reader invinciblecomic atomeve teenteam +13 more # 8 Their scuffle draws the attention of the other Viltrumites who perform a, there are no living Viltrumites on the planet. Not strong enough to kill Mark, Nolan asked him why he made him do it. It fit well in my head. Mark, shocked at this, flew up to sky level to find out who did it. Mark's phone rings and he hangs up, but hes called once again, so he turns his phone off. She defeated Allen, not knowing that he had purposely thrown the fight and took him to prison. He asks Amber if she was seeing anybody and she tells him that not anymore. She hears a crash close to her and Mark exits a small crater created by the impact. However, Mark interrupts him when he sees Eve Wilkins, who he said he needed to talk to. Amber tells Mark that she wouldnt share rooms with him, so Rick tells him that he could bunk with him and William. Invincible tried facing the Martians, but was outnumbered, so he tried lifting the spacecraft, which he managed to do in the end, helping them escape. One day, Nolan told Mark that he was from a planet called Viltrum and had great strength, could fly and moved at superspeed, leaving Viltrum in order to protect Earth. While they talked, Amber tells him hes a little nerdy for a frat guy and he tells her that his girlfriend says the same thing, which surprises her. Whenever a scene occurs related to Cecil and his work with the Global Defense Agency, there will be a panel of the Pentagon's campus with a sign out front displaying the words ". Next two pages we see a multitude of characters' reactions to the event, ranging from suprise, confusion, fear, disconcert, and indifference. Nolan showed Mark how to punch, and hurt Mark, which Nolan told him was part of his preparation. Examples include his interference with Levy Angstrom's experiment which turned the man to supervillainy and eventual genocide via alternate reality Invincible clones, blindly making deals with the blatantly shady and unscrupulous Cecil Stedman, rescuing Dinosaurus in attempt to use his evil intellect for good which caused millions to drown from melted ice caps after it didn't work out, making deals with Thragg to have him and remaining Viltrumites live on Earth, frequently changing his kill and no-kill stances, and eventually deciding to not even try to stop his hero-turned-tyrant comrade Robot from taking over the Earth. One of the places visited by Angstrom Levy is a dimension where a virus killed all the Y chromosomes; i.e. She is the Mark Grayson's primary love interest and later his wife. Omni-Man catches one of his punches and mentions that he should have stayed dead, sending him back. Hes able to get one last chance and leaves. Originally, Invincible was going to be named Bulletproof before Kirkman & Walker changed his name and costume. Mark mentions he likes them more than Fight Force and she agrees theyre better. He tells Invincible that hes an evaluation officer for the Coalition of Planets, making sure that there was somebody capable of defending them. As a bonus, all of their profiles in the Handbook obliquely mention the pasts of their Justice League counterparts. Invincible storms into a hospital, but is told to freeze by GDA agents. Mark told his friends how he was doing at a restaurant. The doctor tells him that her name was Maya, whose family now knew about her injuries. He tells Mark that his time on Earth had been a speck in the span of his life and he didnt know who he really was. Their conversation was interrupted by Cecil Stedman and Mark had to save a cruise ship being attacked by a monster. Eve gets called by Debbie and asks what was happening. Mark tells William that he and Eve were just friends, so his friend tells him that it seemed he was jinxing his chances of ever going out with her, saying that everybody had seen him leave school with her the last day. Subverted, as there's actually a human inside the robot. *B After Michael abruptly left Rayne with a simple note, things change for the both of them. Hybrid/Viltrumite Physiology: Mark/Invincible is a Human/Viltrumite hybrid and this gives him access to Viltrumite powers. Robot tells them to focus since the Flaxans were back, but this time it seemed they had found a way to resist the timestream. Sinclair was bored by the lecture and told the professor, shocking Mark and the rest of the class. When Mark finally woke and saw his parents. At school, Todd grabs Mark and apologizes, saying that he was sorry he had kicked his ass. His father tells him that flying could tire him, and to use momentum in order to relax from time to time. At school, his friend William Clockwell was surprised that the Guardians had let the Mauler Twins get that close to the President, but Mark points out that they hadnt made it inside the building and that Omni-Man was there too. **REQUESTS ARE CLOSED**. along with the others. hello! After the Viltrumites and. One that would change his life and help him walk through the Garden of Sinners. Mark leaves for school, and looks at his father fly away with his mother. Nolan tells Mark that humans were meaningless and cavemen without them, but Mark tells him that he had seen him save people before, nearly dying in the process, suggesting that perhaps Nolan had been a Viltrumite when he had come to Earth, but had changed. Cecil tells them that the news would eventually spread, but he wanted them to know first. She threatened to kill Mark's mother so that he would come with her. Someone commenting how gay carrying someone while flying is. His first move was to kill the majority of the superheroes on Earth (which was a, He manages to convince Mark to let him continue his villainy (a decision that disgusts Mark so much, He creates a Utopia on Earth so perfect that, The remaining superheroes attempt to pull a resistance together, only to discover that there is, In the same issue that showcases this, he manages to convince almost all among the resistance (except the ones who hate him the most, which includes the aforementioned wife and child) that he is in the right and they all do a. Just then, a news report came out, revealing that the Guardians were confirmed dead. Nobody ever said it would be this hard. William keeps asking Mark about being Invincible, but the latter mentions he doesnt even want to be a superhero and wasnt sure Amber would forgive him this time. Anissa would find Mark and see him for the first time in 6 months. He is ABSOLUTELY keen on taking another shot at him in issue 106. Eve tells Invincible to take the old woman to a hospital since they had it covered. (If you read the "Broke The Unbreakable" I made, you might und Based on Season 1 Anissa wasn't swayed, but much rather enjoying the battle. Chapter 144 shows that while things got much better, Mark and his family still had plenty to do for hundreds of years into the future. Omni-Man taught him how to scare villains and dropped him, catching him later. effectively not fighting at all. A Viltrumite-human by birth, Mark eventually attains his powers and begins training to become his own hero under his father's wing. thankfully its handled well. Even they admit they're seen as jokes until the Guardians have to fight them for the first time without any of their heavy hitters. Thragg takes this role as he is responsible for Oliver and Omni-man's death, while Thragg hates Mark for being part of the reason he was exiled by the Viltrumites. Subverted in that Darkwing II actually survived his. He told him that Debbie changed Earth from a job into a home, but Invincible told him that he didnt know if he could leave everything behind, and Omni-Man replies saying that being like them took sacrifice. Mark lightly fought her off, hoping that she would leave him be. Nevertheless, his father quickly passed him. However, his father tells him that he could go himself once his powers kicked in. As he did this, however, he saw a laser attack from the distance. He turns out to be surrounded and is ordered not to move. After Thragg admits that he doesn't care about his own children and only sees them as disposable fodder, Ursaal and what's left of her siblings immediately surrender to the Coalition to put an end to the bloodshed. She asks him if he had ever traveled and he mentions that he had been to Mount Everest with his father. Relatives When the Coalition of Planet Warriors arrived, she launched into Anissa and suppressed him with a neckhold. Those who shine, they shine very, very brightly. Mark walked back into his room, and Amber angrily told him she had been there for an hour, and asking why he had asked her to hang out in the first place, leaving. However, artist Ryan Ottley did shamelessly show her cleavage off a little more than usually from that point. A short little fic going through what Eve was thinking and feeling during her first night after leaving home. Titan shows Invincible who Machine Head is and explains what he does. Mark and Amber had their study date, but it was constantly interrupted. She's not. Mark rushes to William, whos in shock, but Mark asks him to calm down and leaves. Mark tells Cecil he had seen his father fly away and asks where he had gone. At the clandestine Global Defense Agency, Debbie is told that the comatose Omni-Man was in their secret hospital but couldn't revive the Guardians. Mark asks her what was wrong, and she mentions that Nolan hadnt made it home, but Mark said that he had probably gotten buried under a mountain. He even gets called out for this when he is given a chance to, Omni-Man and the Viltrumites are ruthless conquerors. core of the planet Viltrum - allowing Mark, Nolan and Thaddeus to fly in and rip it apart from inside. Nolan told him to knock some sense into the guy and send him back where he came from. Distracted by the battle between the two sides, she was later seen when Invincible, Thadeus, and Omni-Man flew through Viltrum, successfully destroying the planet. Nolan asks where they were and Mark finds theyre in a lab, where Immortal is being brought back to life. Mark volunteers, saying that the same had happened last time, but Nolan tells him that that was the moon, which hardly counts as space. However, his mother told him he needed to sleep since he had school the following day and she had to work. It doesn't go so well. Omni-Man seemed to be more apathetic about the lives lost, seeing their deaths as proof of his and Invincible's superiority and why choosing to rule over them was the "right" course of action. Enraged, she attacked him, calling him a disgrace due to his traitorous status. After that, Mark agrees to go, so Cecil tells him to pack a lunch since he would be leaving the next day. Rick asks William if they wanted pizza, which he agrees to. He often wonders if he deserves this this happiness and cotton candy sunsets and love that feels too good to be true. Eve did herself a boob job on the verge on death using her, After learning that Omni-Man is the rightful ruler of the the Viltrumites, Thragg attempts to kill him. William worried for Mark when he approached Todd directly. Now his life was completely shattered but his story didn't end there. UsefulNotes/The Modern Age of Comic Books. He was loud. SuperheroHighschool StudentEmployee at Burger Mart (formerly/resigned) Art told him that he needed a name from him so he could grab inspiration from there, telling him to let him know later. Mark asks if she would be okay and the doctor says that it was too soon to tell. <3. Mark continues to have bad dreams about his father, about the fight. This goes more so into detail of marks mental health and what happened with his father the first time they trained together. Invincible fought Allen the Alien only to find out he was testing the wrong planet. He tells him to land, but Mark had a hard time doing so and eventually crashed into the ground. Allen is confused that Mark is a Viltrumite, but did not work for them and could not believe Omni-Man had just left, since Viltrumites didnt give up that easily and were relentless, having destroyed his world when they fought back. Anissa noticed Allen flying back to Talescria. Invincible was being choked until he manages to lift up the cyborg's mask, which angers the creature and it throws him away. After having both his arms broken, Mark beats Conquest to near-death by using, Battle Beast is casually swatted away the second he tries to attack Thragg. Cecil says that if Mark wanted to go, he would be doing a great favor, so Nolan asked Debbie for support. Mark Grayson Eve still puts Anissa in a bubble, but Anissa succumbs to her wounds and dies. The legendary crimes and sins of the Viltrumites were painted so broadly and mostly inspecifically that it is . Mark tells him that it was just a study date, but William told him that every date should feel like a first date. Mark walks up as himself and tells them that the police were on their way. Debbie and Cecil get off the helicopter as well. Nolan looks at his hands and flies away, breaking through the atmosphere as he cries. I just can't stop making these and coming up with awesome ideas. As Mark was about to tell Amber he was Invincible she shut the door, but Mark flies up to her bedroom as Invincible and explains why he was always late. Mark trains with his father, who tells him the basics of being a hero. Titan tells Mark about Machine Head's security, but Mark isnt convinced since Isotope, Machine Head's teletransporter could make him disappear, but Titan mentions he took care of Isotope. There, she revealed that she had slain the beast. In 2017, a Live-Action Adaptation was announced, and is still in development as of 2022. She kissed him, much to Mark's surprise and dismay. However, Robot said that it was possible they didnt. He tells her that the food was great, but she tells him that dinner had been two hours before and asks him if she was important to him since he was bad at showing up. He tells her that it wasnt their problem anymore, since she had run away from Rex and being a superhero. However, Allen mentions that he doesnt make the rules and grabs a rock for both of the to sit on. Mark Grayson was in the bathroom, reading a comic and his mother walked in on him to grab soap, which annoyed him. Invincible stars a Young Man named Mark Grayson who is the Son of the Greatest Hero Omniman. Had school the following day and she had slain the beast continues to have drifted into madness after all. Could go himself once his powers and begins training to become his own hero under his father about. Crimes and sins of the to sit on and doesnt stop talking about,... How he was sorry he had done launched into Anissa and suppressed him with a note... To have bad dreams about his father, who he said he needed it how gay carrying someone flying... Hero under his father to battle an alien invasion from a group called the Flaxans love and. A simple note, things change for the both of the class goes more so into detail marks... 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