But this isn't how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer works. With this code in place, build and run on your second device. CloudKit is built on top of Apples iCloud service. The class contains all the necessary methods and properties you need to interact with Core Data. informative user interfaces for our users. When the preparationCompletionHandler is called, it must be passed the share object and a reference to the apps CloudKit container. Otherwise it looks like you're out of luck with sharing from CloudKit for now. Get the most out of CloudKit Sharing Discover how apps can use CloudKit to share records with others. This snippet of code is part of a test case I wrote for the MainViewController to ensure that its table cells correctly indicate if a post is shared. Here in Xcode, I've opened our sample application, and there's a specific property on the post entity, I can see its configuration in the data model inspector, to be an optional Transformable attribute. The level of access to a shared record may also be defined to control whether a recipient has the ability to both view and modify the record. Likewise, I can't swipe to delete this post, and if I put the table view in editing mode by tapping the Edit button, I can't delete this post. CloudKit has its own CKError class, derived from Error, but you need to be aware of the possibility that other errors are coming through as well. This view contains the logic for your share button. [/spoiler]. Depending on the context, you may wish to assign a higher qualityOfService and handle these situations yourself. Instead of invoking methods on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer directly, I built a protocol that exposes a specific method for each customization I needed. But our applications are usually designed, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer has to also help us make sense, of all of these objects so that we can build. to write all of these tests and structure the application. Select your desired delivery method and send the invitation. This practice allows CloudKit to better manage network transfer and server-side storage of these types of items. Search for jobs related to Cloudkit share data between users or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. directly to specific call sites in my application. When the user taps the link that was shared earlier and accepts the invitation, the delegate calls this method and launches the app. For the sake of discussion, let's imagine I want to share this photo with some friends of mine. It checks databaseScope and determines whether its private or shared. Save the changes. At the top of your screen, select the dropdown menu and click the container you created from Xcode earlier. However, you dont have any metadata about the share. In this challenge, update the code so this data deletes from the second device when a post is no longer shared with others. What is the easiest way to share files between users with CloudKit? If I tap on it, I can see that the Edit button is disabled and the participants entry for Mary shows that she is a Read-Only participant on the share. This means not only the owner but also the second user can modify the data shared with them. I'm going to be using our sample application. The techniques outlined in this chapter will be put to practical use in the chapter entitled An iOS CloudKit Sharing Example. What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? The code above stores a reference to each store when its loaded. You now see the shared entry on your second device. Apps can support such use cases by moving user data to CloudKit and implementing a data sharing flow that includes features like share management and access control. It is important to be aware that this fetch operation must be executed on the shared cloud database instance of the app instead of the recipients private database. Select Private Database. Owners create and share objects with a set of participants. In Record Zone Sharing, shared CKRecords are contained inside a shared CKRecordZone. On the other hand, this injection technique makes it easy and fast to test different configurations of shared objects without ever talking to the CloudKit server. Change tokens can be thought of like a bookmark telling you where you were before the most recent sequence of changes occurred. How did StorageTek STC 4305 use backing HDDs? I can see that the Edit button is disabled, and the participants entry for Mary shows. Swift 5.6 | iOS 15 | Xcode 13 Table of Contents If I tap on it, I can also see the participants displayed at the bottom of the detail view controller with their role, permissions, and acceptance state. Last, if the current user of that share is the owner, returns. Within this handler, the CKShare object must be created and saved as outlined in the previous section. As with hierarchical sharing, this record contains all of the information necessary to work with the zone, like the owner, the participants, and their permissions and roles. CloudKit notifications arrive via the standard iOS notification mechanism. This allows CloudKit to send a silent push notification to your device when data has changed in iCloud and your device needs to update to reflect this change. and how that affects the types of experiences you can build. Add the following code to the extension block: The code above calls the async version of share(_:to:) to share the destination youve selected. More advanced cases can use SQLite, or the equivalent, as a shadow database for offline redundancy purposes. Finally, this test asks the MainViewController for its table cells, verifying that the ones I've included in the sharedObjectIDs set have the expected prefix and the cells that correspond to unshared objects don't. Hiring? If it doesnt have an associated share record, theres no need to continue. Next, I'll tap Mail and invite Jermaine and Mary. From this screen, you can take a few actions. In anticipation of this, split the save function into two steps. It's a little bit more code up front to write all of these tests and structure the application in a way that facilitates this type of injection, but the resulting confidence and reliability are well worth it. Since CloudKits notifications are built on top of the iOS notification system, you have to be on the lookout for these conditions. I added a little over 1200 lines of test code, and I hope these examples make it really easy. In this example, theres just the one record, but for future expandability, this is a great potential performance benefit. Over 300 content creators. class NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEventRequest A request to fetch setup, import, or export events in a persistent CloudKit container. As you prepare to present your CloudSharingView, you need this property because the second parameter of CloudSharingView is a CKContainer. However, a limitation of this was that you couldnt easily share your data with other people to contribute to it. This protocol makes it easy to add specific logic to my application code. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? On Jermaine's device now, I'll accept the new share. Open CoreDataStack.swift. we think of our objects in terms of NSManagedObject. Let's see that in action. For the CloudKit functionality, Ive broken things into two classes: A lower level CloudKitNoteDatabase singleton and a higher level CloudKitNote class. Also, it may be desirable to provide some UI indication of CloudKit availability, sync status, and of course, error conditions that dont have a satisfactory internal resolution. Sharing with one other person is interesting, but NSPersistentCloudKitContainer is designed to facilitate sharing for much larger populations. Finally, I invoke UICloudSharingController's completion block with the results provided by NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, which tells it I'm ready to continue the sharing flow. Sharing is by far the most complicated feature we have built in to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. This involves the creation of a CKFetchRecordsOperation object using the record ID contained within the CKShareMetadata object. When I'm signed in to iCloud, Photos supports another option for sharing: a shared album. Once youre in this section, you need to specify the container you want to see. to present information about shared objects. that constrain how they can act on a particular set of objects. For app developers, the situation was even worse. These are all the changes I had to make for my first demo, but my application also needs to effectively communicate what objects are shared, who they're shared with, and what those participants can do. A modification performed on a share will, therefore, be reflected in the original private database. When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? The simple act of writing a record to the database is straightforward enough, but in my example, with multiple clients, this is where youll face the potential issue of handling a conflict when multiple clients attempt to write to the server concurrently. Each of these is mirrored to a persistent store. which manages the persistent CloudKit container, And you can see it's a bit more complicated. For starters, a few custom errors can be defined to shield the client from the internals of CloudKit, and a simple delegate protocol can inform the client of remote updates to the underlying Note data. Likewise, you can't choose to unencrypt a field that is already encrypted. At the top level is CKContainer, which encapsulates a set of related CloudKit data. There you go! As I mentioned, the SharingProvider includes a number of other important methods for the sample application, and I encourage you to check out their implementations and the tests I wrote for how they impact the user interface. . Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? For your Note app, you can use the default container. You do a bit of requisite error checking and then simply fetch the actual data from the CKRecord and store the values in your member fields. New in iOS 15 is acceptShareInvitations(from:into:completion:). Naturally, this domain knowledge is reflected in the APIs we have built for NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Ask with tag wwdc21-10015, Optimize your use of Core Data and CloudKit, Bring Core Data concurrency to Swift and SwiftUI, There and back again: Data transfer on Apple Watch, Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data. CloudKit organizes data via a hierarchy of classes: CKContainer, CKDatabase, CKRecordZone, and CKRecord. It's called the SharingProvider. At least one real device To send and accept share invitation(s). You can test all other CloudKit functionality in the simulator, but you must be logged in to your iCloud account on the simulated device. share(_ managedObjects: to share: completion:) is meant to be invoked in the create-share phase of UICloudSharingController's workflow. Add the following modifier to the Button: The edit button is now disabled, unless you have read/write permissions for this data. Then, select the CloudKit checkbox to enable the feature. Build and run. than the simple injection I used in the test. This framework ( https://github.com/iRareMedia/iCloudDocumentSync) was released before CloudKit and supports an easy way of sharing: You get a URL that you can send to another user and he can directly download what you shared with him. More importantly, you have a foundation for adding more advanced CloudKit functionality. When the app receives a notification, check that it corresponds to the subscription you created, and if so, pass it down to the CloudKitNoteDatabase singleton. Im assuming you have a good handle on the basics of creating iOS apps in Xcode. that is allowed to operate on those objects in some way. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Sharing CloudKit Data with Other iCloud Users Create and share private CloudKit data with other users by implementing the sharing UI. I am not going to get very fancy in my example; I am using the modified field to declare that the most recent update wins. Here I've chosen four friends to share the photo with. These are all the changes I had to make for my first demo, but my application also needs to effectively communicate. Click Add Basic Index. Did you figure it out? Participants can have different roles and permissions. Heres Apples sample project on Synchronizing a Local Store to the Cloud. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer manages these zones and automatically assigns records to them. And, as of iOS 10, a shared CKDatabase where user-controlled groups can share items among the members of the group. Once set up, operations are passed to the CKDatabase object, where theyll be executed on a background thread. At this point, if you shared the invitation via text message, open Messages and tap the invitation. All the user needs to do at this point is enter the contact details for the intended share recipient and send the message. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The goal is to fetch the associated CKShare for that object whenever the detail view appears. Also, several CloudKit operations can return an error as a single error value or a compound error signified at the top level as partialFailure. You already implemented this method once, when you needed to determine if an object isShared. The next step of preparing your shared data is to enable storing your data in iCloud. Although iCloud is only available to Apple customers, CloudKit provides an incredibly powerful platform upon which to build really interesting and user-friendly, multi-client applications with a truly minimal server-side investment. Join our team. Look for the ToolBarItem that contains the Text("Edit") button. With sharing, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer will also create shared zones for me with a CKShare record that controls who can access these zones that I own. Next, open DestinationDetailView.swift. Thats it! And finally, we'll briefly discuss how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer can help you enable some additional protection for sensitive data stored in iCloud. Now that youve made your record queryable, click Records under the Data section. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer also has to understand, how the concepts of owners and participants apply, Let's imagine I have a collection of people. Add the following code as one of the modifiers for your List: This code uses getShare(_:) and retrieves CKShare. First, add the following property to DestinationDetailView: Second, you need to add a sheet modifier to the List to present CloudSharingView. Before you do that, consider one small caveat: Only the objects that arent already shared call share(_:to:). Book about a good dark lord, think "not Sauron", How to choose voltage value of capacitors, Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. Here I can see their invitation status and some of the permissions on the shared album. acceptShareInvitations(from metadata: into persistentStore: I used this method in the AppDelegeate's application, userDidAcceptCloudKitShare( with metadata:) method, to simply pass the incoming share metadata. The first iteration of Core Data in iCloud on iOS worked on top of document storage and employed the same iCloud APIs. So I'll tap Mail and then enter the information for my friends. CloudKit sharing allows records stored within a private CloudKit database to be shared with other app users at the discretion of the record owner. I'm going to start by launching my application on Jermaine's device and tapping this plus(+) sign in the upper-right corner to create a new post. Looking for something specific? In this tutorial, you learned the important steps to share Core Data with CloudKit, including: You learned the new methods introduced in iOS 15 and solved challenges and minor bugs in the app. But how does all of this work? Youll build this action in this tutorial. Youre now ready to present the cloud-sharing view and add people to contribute to your journal. Let's get started with sharing. But these three methods for conditionalizing editing were introduced alongside our .public database support at WWDC in 2020. Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data Learn how to easily build apps that share data between multiple iCloud users with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. I had to decorate the post table cells to indicate which ones are shared. Unlike iCloud, CloudKit does have the option to have public data available to anyone who uses the app. It might make more sense for CKAsset, but for now Apple hasn't added the capability. with the CloudKit server in the container associated. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! and the participants entry for Jermaine shows. To toggle this Boolean, you need to update the logic inside the share button. This takes you to a screen to add a recent destination you visited. In the Signing & Capabilities section, add the iCloud capability. We can see here that Jermaine is the owner of the share that contains the post and Heather is a private participant. Can users edit their own private data in CloudKit. I'll tap the Action button to bring up the sharing controller, but this time, I want the share to be read-only, so that the participants can't edit or modify. Build and run, then perform the following steps: Notice the user can currently read and write for the entry the permissions are being modified for. and the cells that correspond to unshared objects don't. These can be normal push notifications familiar to iOS users (such as sound, banner, or badge), or in CloudKit, they can be a special class of notification called silent pushes. Subscription implies consent to our privacy policy, Swift Tutorial: An Introduction to the MVVM Design Pattern, An Expert Workaround for Executing Complex Entity Framework Core Stored Procedures, Kotlin vs. Java: All-purpose Uses and Android Apps, The 10 Most Common JavaScript Issues Developers Face, How C++ Competitive Programming Can Help Hiring Managers and Developers Alike. CloudKit sharing involves the creation of CKShare objects initialized with the record to be shared. With the introduction of CloudKit sharing it is now possible for individual app users to share private database records with other users. wherever you need to customize your user interfaces. In this simple Note application, with a single user switching between devices, youre not likely to see too many conflicts in a live concurrency sense. The CloudSharingView has three properties: In makeUIViewController(context:), the following actions occur. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. This sample app demonstrates how to use Core Data CloudKit to share photos between iCloud users. After a short wait, the post I created on Jermaine's device is now visible on this device as well. to add specific logic to my application code. The actual CKRecordID is a bit more complicated in that it includes the zoneID. Then, I set its CloudKit container options databaseScope property to .shared. And more importantly, how would such an experience change the applications we build? In Swift, individual fields on a CKRecord can be accessed via the subscript operator. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? A general guideline is to use com.company_name.bundle_identifier. CloudKit supports both the concept of public and private databases. I simply added a button action to instantiate an instance of UICloudSharingController. every time I want to verify a change to the table view, and trying to do so would add a lot of friction, makes it easy and fast to test different configurations. is meant to be invoked in the create-share phase, that need to be shared and to create a share. Shared record zones are identified by the presence of a single CKShare record. Learn iOS, Swift, Android, Kotlin, Flutter and Dart development and unlock our massive An Overview: [WWDC 2016] Session 226 - What's New with CloudKit If you want to start diving into the new documentation, check out: CKShare CKShareParticipant CKFetchShareParticipantsOperation Since this is a first example of using an operation, here are a couple of general observations: First, all CloudKit operations have custom completion closures (and many have intermediate closures, depending on the operation). I'll open the CoreDataCloudKitDemo managed object model, and there's a specific property on the post entity I want to show you called location. CloudKit, the technology behind iCloud, enables iOS apps to synchronize data across a user's devices, as well as share data between users, with solid privacy and security features built-in. Discover how to create informative experiences around shared data and learn about the CloudKit technologies that support these features in Core Data. Photos also allows me to view the participants on the album. fetchShares(matching objectIDs:) is new in iOS 15 and allows me to get the CKShare for a specific post. Now, you should see a Button with Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash"). Once you add the destination, tap the destination to view DestinationDetailView. Swift, Android, Kotlin, Flutter, Dart, Server-Side Swift, Unity, and more! And here on the table, I have a small pool of devices with me, each logged in to an iCloud account belonging to Heather, Jermaine, or Mary. CloudKit supports both structured and bulk data. This second step may be repeated in the case of a conflict. to store the objects an application creates. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. if the provided objectID is in sharedObjectIDs. Let's look at that change in a bit more detail. If you attempt to select record type as CD_Destination and query records from here, you receive an error stating Field recordName isnt marked queryable. 2 Answers Sorted by: 8 In iOS 10 / macOS 10.12, it is now possible to share hierarchies of records in a user's private database with other users. I can send it to my friends as an iMessage or email. Now I'm going to add a new post, give it a title, and tap Done. Amazing! Then, I set the BlockBasedProvider as the provider for the view controller, completing the injection. In the window that comes up, enter your containers name. Finally, this test asks the MainViewController, in the sharedObjectIDs set have the expected prefix. What's important is that it's way more complicated than I can easily exercise every time I want to verify a change to the table view, and trying to do so would add a lot of friction to the development process. You can now write, read, and handle remote notifications of updates to your iCloud-stored application data using the CloudKit API. In a CloudKit database-- for example, the .private database-- NSPersistentCloudKitContainer typically manages a private zone to store the objects an application creates. You can use these methods in your applications wherever you need to customize your user interfaces. my application can access data in both stores. There's a lot of new API to learn about. I regularly work with when I'm building sharing features. share(_ managedObjects: to share: completion:) is a new method designed to pair directly with UICloudSharingController. Another user will see a different set of zones. Once you accept the share on the second device, its now part of your shared zone in iCloud. Theres no huge harm in setting it, but Apple recommends making an effort to avoid this since it wastes network and server resources. Figure 48 3, for example, shows a share link loaded into the Mail app ready to be sent: When a user receives a share link and selects it, a dialog will appear providing the option to accept the share and open it in the corresponding app. Otherwise, use fetchShares(matching:) to see if you have objects matching the objectID in question. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The first step is to create a method that prepares your shared data. We'll show you how to encourage collaboration between people using your app and support those interactions with Apple frameworks. Youll need to ensure that you have set a unique bundle identifier at this point. Last, head to the CloudKit Console so you can verify your data. Is something like this (or even better) available with the new CloudKit? before deploying your schema to production. On this screen, you can provide a caption, description and photo of the destination. These values are stored in a new payload on CKRecord called encryptedValues, introduced in the "What's New in CloudKit" session. Last modified on 10 November 2016, at 04:29, An Introduction to CloudKit Data Storage on iOS 10. more complicated code than if I chose not to support sharing. If I tap on it, I can see that the Edit button is disabled and the participants entry for Jermaine shows that he is a Read-Only participant on the share. I've configured it to be an optional Transformable attribute and checked this new Allows Cloud Encryption checkbox. See the solution below: [spoiler title=Solution 1] Add the following method to your extension: With this code in place, you can determine if the destination is already shared and then take the proper action. Tip: Since push notifications arent fully supported in the iOS simulator, you will want to work with physical iOS devices during development and testing of the CloudKit notification feature. But you can also tell share(_ managedObjects: to share: completion:) to store objects in a specific shared zone by passing it a non-nil CKShare. Now, its time to build and run on the second device, logged into a second iCloud account. And exactly how much did I have to change in the sample application? and how to operate on records and objects. On Mary's device, I'll accept the new share, and now I can see the new post. Download the starter project by clicking the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial. Since CloudKit is based on iCloud, the application relies entirely on the authentication of the user via the Apple ID/iCloud sign in process. Here I've chosen four friends to share the photo with. The last change I had to make was to be able to accept share invitations, which I do using this new method on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer: acceptShareInvitations(from metadata: into persistentStore: I used this method in the AppDelegeate's application userDidAcceptCloudKitShare( with metadata:) method to simply pass the incoming share metadata directly to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. how to share data between devices using CloudKit databases and the UIKit framework. This might not always be the best outcome for professional apps, but its not bad for a first rule and, for this purpose, serves to illustrate the mechanism by which CloudKit passes conflict information back to the client. The SharingProvider has methods for binding directly to specific call sites in my application. Also, a CloudKit record may only be shared if it is stored in a private database and is a member of a record zone other than the default zone. To do this, you make a copy of your privateStoreDescription and update its URL to sharedStoreURL. Two separate iCloud accounts To initiate the sharing process. to store objects in a specific shared zone. The way to enable these silent notifications is to set the shouldSendContentAvailable property on the CKNotificationInfo instance, while leaving all of the traditional notification settings (shouldBadge, soundName, and so on) unset. Within a CKDatabase are CKRecordZones, and within zones CKRecords. In this article, Ive explored the core CloudKit API mechanism for keeping data in sync between multiple iOS clients. that controls who can access these zones that I own. Select recordName from the list and ensure the index type is Queryable. that he is a Read-Only participant on the share. Xcode prefixes the container name with iCloud. all of the shared objects into the local store. This allows users to share individual records from their private databases with their contacts . CloudKit app require a few items to be enabled on the Capabilities Pane of the Xcode Target: iCloud (naturally), including the CloudKit checkbox, Push Notifications, and Background Modes (specifically, remote notifications). enum NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.EventType The type of event in a persistent CloudKit container, either setup, import, or export. The app can then take advantage of various OS-provided notifications, in particular, CKAccountChangedNotification, to know when a user has signed in or out, and initiate a synchronization step with CloudKit (including proper conflict resolution, of course) to push the local offline changes to the server, and vice versa. Streaming is available in most browsers, and in the WWDC app. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? If you sent the invitation from a real device, that can be a simulator. Look at the share options. If youre the owner of the shared data, you can stop sharing this data anytime. If I'm allowed to, I can add records that I own. Each of these is mirrored to a persistent store in my application, one using the .private database scope and the other using the .shared database scope. Here in Xcode, I've opened our sample application, Syncing a Core Data Store with the Cloud. First, update your container type to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Updating NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to Prepare for Share, Displaying Private Data Versus Shared Data. Features in Core data the chapter entitled an iOS CloudKit sharing Discover how apps can use CloudKit to manage! ( context: ) is new in iOS 15 and allows me to the... Shared cloudkit share data between users zones are identified by the presence of a library which I use from CDN. In iOS 15 is acceptShareInvitations ( from: into: completion: ) is meant be... A protocol that exposes a specific post modifiers for your Note app, make. Manages the persistent CloudKit container, either setup, import, or the equivalent, a. 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