You must log in or register to reply here. She absently cast a cleaning charm on one of the old student desks and hopped up on it. You won't turn us into prostitutes or party favors like Draco "Tilly! "My family has been pure-blooded for longer than the Malfoys but not as long as the Potters were before you, Harry." married again later if you wanted to. "Professor Snape insults my lord in I don't know how many ways and not a word from you, Headmaster. "Want?" alright," she agreed. about it does you credit, but . Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. "Potter wins," Flitwick announced to the shocked Hall. "Their quarters are protected by spells that prevent any inappropriate behavior, Ron. Ours state that we would become our Without waiting for Flitwick's signal to begin, Draco shouted, "Flamere!" "Yeah." We recognize that there is He snapped his fingers. Dumbledore gasped. It is not common for the brides to become chattel, but its still legal.". He says they're going very well, though I'm still overpowering instead of trying to win through finesse. "There isn't a law saying you need to be 11 to buy a wand. From beginning to end, the duel took less than fifteen seconds. What do you know of pureblood customs?". "They're your chattel? "What do you know about pure-blood marriage laws?" "Unless his attitude changes, I'm not going to be around him any more than necessary," Hermione growled. ", A house-elf popped in. Harry shrugged. By: Inv0ke. She nodded. Fleur and her husband Bill visit a healer at St. Mungo's to find out why she can't pregnant. "I don't bite, Harry." ", Harry glared. "One of us won't be leaving this duel outside of a box, Snape.". Harry sighed and turned to Dumbledore. And we'll need a second bed. he asked them. My day is complete. Don't read unless you've read both it and the short little prequel A Quest For Europa already! ", "Die," Daphne said bluntly, "or kill us. Just because we're both in the same situation and are willing to marry Potter, that . . "If your only wish truly is to prevent anyone getting hurt, then have Draco forfeit," Harry continued calmly. As this seems to be a common theme in the reviews, I'll make this clear. Unless his attitude changes, I'm not going to subject you to him any more than necessary.". *carefully doesn't mention that it doesn't preclude Harry from buying multiple slaves, just not multiple slaves that are people he knows*. The white-grey walls stood out ominously against the dark black of the night. "The fact that you're uncertain I highly recommend you get to know your new ladies. Harry Potter and the Head Girl 7. "Now that we have more time to talk, what do I have to do to set you two free? "I'm not wearing any armor," Draco growled. It is used with with full knowledge and permission. "Yes, Master Potter-Black. "We just want to talk. doing. How are those going? "However, no matter our status, please never call me 'my lord'. Harry is permitted unlimited and unsupervised visitation with "Yes, that appointment is the topic I wish to speak with you about. My parents wanted me to have a more comfortable life than they do. A regular teenage boy was getting ready for his 6th year of Hogwarts. It was a great deal smaller than the house common rooms but was decorated similarly and served the same else I can do to make you feel better. deeply involved in farming." "What makes you think they will accept Harry's terms?" "He is not your lord yet," Flitwick pointed out. The Slave 56 pages Completed October 6, 2013 Jadyn Harry Potter | Slave Her voice dropped to a purr that sent shivers up Harry's spine, "And if you humiliate Malfoy, I'll see what "What makes you say that? "And you were going to let them become little better than the toys of the upper class Slytherins?" asked neutrally. "Looks like I win then," Harry said with a satisfied smile. With no hesitation, she knelt down and started massaging his legs and calves. He gave a wink to Harry and left, whistling cheerfully. However, what would happen if the perfect girl turned out to be a cruel and evil bitch that tried to make his life a living hell. ", "Oh, and just so you're aware, I've excused Mr. Potter from curfew. i took some fanfics as reference for some things but i still tried to make it as different as possible. Narcissa Malfoy, a confident woman, decides to seduce Harry, but in order not to risk ruining her friendship with Lily, she creates a false diagnosis that Harry must have sex several times a day.Harem/incest. Tracey asked in confusion. "Traditionally the time and place is named by the challenger. As I said, such things are uncommon, yet legal. The wedding is Christmas Eve. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. It couldn't be hard to defeat those two. "I'll be right back with Harry. ", "So that's the situation," Daphne said. In case it matters, we've been almost evenly split between Ravenclaws and Slytherin. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling Chapter 26: Patil As they were waiting for the sorting to begin, Ernie piped up and said: . Harry dives in front of Sirius, taking a curse meant for him & sending him into the Veil of Death. "You've got the power, you've got the ability, and we hope that you'll treat us well when this is all over.". "It's not like I had a lot of choice. Harry's eyes widened, but he remained silent. Someone we don't know might not, and it's She turned to Hermione. The long silence was broken by Tracey. "Malfoy has done one or two arrangements per year for centuries without a problem," Daphne half-heartedly objected. any way.". ", "Oh, you just had a lesson? Harry looked at Tracey in admiration. "We can get one of the house-elves -", "Professor," Tracey interrupted, "could we use the Gryffindor Head Boy quarters instead? Tracey gave a disgusted snort. She turned toward the back of the room and Daphne pulled a scroll from her bag and handed it to the Charms Professor. Daphne interrupted, "Granger, what would you be willing to do for anyone that could prevent you from becoming the communal toy of Draco, the goons, and Merlin knows who else?". While Hermione argued with the Headmaster, Daphne whispered into Harry's ear. Please consider turning it on! The small party makes their way to the Dursleys household. ", "Everything happening to us is perfectly legal," Daphne replied with a disgusted frown. ", Ron shrugged. "Is this all really necessary?" ", "You mean the article in that tabloid was the truth? "Fil?" Deal?". ", Harry fought his anger down and thought about it for a few seconds. When he's reintroduced to the magical worlds, the story of the boy-who-lived means he's already attracted the interest of several titans. Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes. Tell me about Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass. Harry asked. Hermione asked with an edge in her voice. The two girls shared a long look, surprised by the information. ", "You had a couple weeks and you're only telling me about it today? But as tomorrow is the Yule Ball, and we all leave the castle the morning after that . Brown is neutral. Hermione asked. Ron shrugged again, unconcerned. Highlander is owned by: Panzer/Davis and Rysher "Still, why Harry? ", Harry rolled his eyes. . Draco me to have an easier life.". Or whatever you're about to say, anyway. ", That answer rocked Harry back onto his heels. "The Daily Prophet wouldn't know the truth unless Fudge or Malfoy misspoke." If I remember correctly it was in the news quit recently. "This is all just too weird.". "Oh thank you, Harry," Daphne and Tracy said quietly as they embraced the wizard. "Why does he believe Snape so much, Professor?" He Daphne and Tracey both looked at him with small, sad smiles but did not verbally respond. "Been sharing information already, Harry? What, they want me to marry them or something? ", Snape continued, undaunted, "Your Golden Boy has won them as chattel. "But if you've been pure-blooded for so long -" Harry objected with a frown. called 'chattel wives'. . Then may I speak with Mr. Potter for a few moments?". As well, Hogwarts has not received the tuition of Miss Greengrass nor Miss Davis. "What now?" "I'll die before I allow that," Daphne said with a fierce scowl. Features different men (mostly Harry) and women in various situations. After that, they waited in silence for their savior to arrive. ", "Then you were right: I'll never guess it. "Bludgeoning Hex; I didnt dodge fast enough," he grumbled. Also, if we're still students, may Tracey and I join Harry for the dueling lessons "Might be a good idea to suggest that things can be settled immediately after the meal," Tracey added. This is a strange but heartwarming love story of Harry Potter and Lily Evans Potter. Hermione turned and silently led the other four to a portrait near the Gryffindor dorms. you like." "Slytherin may not be safe for us. "I don't mind the common room being in Gryffindor colors, but enough is enough. Healer Harry Potter realizes that the problem lies with Bill and not with Fleur. Anyone who owns human chattel has the title of lord. No copyright infringement is intended by the author. "Don't you mean you'll inform all three of them?" ", "Harry?" McGonagall followed Harry out and evaluated the scene in one glance. "And may I ask why you drug me in here?". All alone for his first decade, there's one thing Harry feared above all else, even if he won't admit it to himself. "Providing of course you remove your vest. "Perhaps later. "I don't know how much was covered in your muggle education, Mr. Potter, but if you Tracey trailed off, clearly trying to find the right words. Flitwick nodded. "Open your shirt, Mr. On the other hand, it's better than any ", Harry made a rude noise. Harry is sad. Dumbledore asked, paling rapidly. "Thank you for understanding, Deputy Headmistress.". room, so she could not identify the two forms standing near the door. If you win, I'll finish the job tonight." The tension visibly abated when the door closed. Firewhisky and Rain 5. The three girls stopped, startled. lindbacken fastigheter . As alliances are forged, friendships broken and magic learnt, the distant war drums grow ever louder. (Proctor): "We will now begin the tenth question. ", "I'm busy at the moment," Harry said dryly. Literally, if you read Great Wizarding Events of the 20th Century or any of the others where I'm listed. ", "I am truly sorry, Harry," Daphne said softly. "But -" Hermione started to object, eyes wide. "Would you have listened to us without her?" "Now what?" Remember, Severus, as educators it is our duty to insure that none of the "Which is why Malfoy got to do the job in the first place.". She has her brother and her friends, but will that be enough with the new downpour of enemies she has made? On top of that, it's time limited. Ron and Hermione looked at each other, startled. "Draco's father was contracted to arrange our marriages," Daphne said with a look of loathing. He was already above the action just as the first spear was connecting to the shield. I just rescued them from that. ", "Why Harry?" She waved her wand over the area. "How about you, Malfoy? "My lord, I know he is a friend of yours, but I beg of you not to force me to -", Harry held up a hand, stilling the girl instantly. Taking the cue, the other four teens followed Flitwick out into the hallway. "Don't give them any time to think about it. While he had no intention of leaving Potter able to walk away under his own power, it was important to tell the old fool otherwise. ", "The sooner the better," Tracy agreed. ", Potter shook his head. This story was inspired by (and half of this chapter bears a striking resemblence to) one of Rorschach's Blot's "Odd Ideas" Tracey and Daphne shrugged. Hermione gasped, a look of shocked horror etched upon her face. "Of course, Headmaster," Snape agreed smoothly. "You have a good point, Professor," Tracey said reluctantly. "I still have one more duel to fight," Harry assured him. "Before these latest revelations, I would have phrased it differently, Mr. Potter, but essentially correct. "Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis want to talk with you. ", "I knew of the betrothal contracts, yes.". Namely these two lovely ladies. "I shall let you know where your new quarters are after the break, Mr. Potter. intends to use that status to his advantage; we intend to use it to ours. narrow exception remained: certain arranged marriages in which the wife is, in the eyes of the law and society, no longer a person and is just another item of property. first was a good idea.". his own. Yule break. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before continuing in a brittle voice, "I think you should leave, Albus, while Filius and I help these young ", Harry exchanged a glance with Dean. Granger, a muggle-born, is the smartest. At six, bring dinner for three to these rooms.". "One last item. Yes, human slavery was abolished in Magical Britain, in the seventeenth century incidentally, but a very narrow exception remained: certain arranged marriages in which the wife is, in the eyes of the law and society, no longer a person and is just another item of property. She let the sentence trail off. Head Girl Hermione Granger was heading back to Gryffindor Tower from the library late one December morning when someone pulled her into a dark and empty classroom. I call it slavery under another name. Draco's eyes rolled into the back of the head, and he collapsed to the floor. "Professor McGonagall will confirm the orders," Hermione said as she waved the others through. ." A blinding flash of light sealed Ginny as Harry's sex slave, and a metal collar with the Potter crest appeared around Ginny's neck and the chair under Ginny disappeared as the magic of Hogwarts acknowledged Ginny as a slave who would only be allowed seating at the wish of her master, Harry. "You know Mum. Not being pure-blood lowers my family's It'd probably be a good idea to get to know them," he added dryly. . students are harmed.". "Which was one of the reasons we chose you," Daphne said with a gentle smile. "I never said Mum made sense," Ron pointed out. ", "I'm not trying to attack you," Neville reassured him hurriedly. "I wish I knew, Hermione; I wish I knew. ", Harry mustered up the energy to frown. "I'll take that as a yes," the first voice said. ", "That's only temporary. Professor? "You phrased that kinda strangely. Follow/Fav Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter. Tracey asked. Part of the idea was that Bulgaria had massively barbaric laws that allowed slavery. ", His eyes narrowed at her. a bare chest. "It took longer to figure out how to get you to listen," Tracey agreed. Also available as: Epub | pdf | mobi | lit | txt. "Surely you can not mean that, Harry. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. He stared into Tracey's eyes, pouring as much power into a silent Legilimency Spell as he could. Harry, BDSM, SMUT, Lemon Fem!Harry/Multi. "Contego Gelu." "You owe me for this, Harry.". "I'll be here, Potty," Draco agreed in a growl. Daphne walked over to one of the beds and seated herself. sharply clapped her hands. He groaned as the three girls continued working. "We may not be so lucky on the second. "Such things don't reflect well upon the wizarding world and are . Dumbledore grasped at the straw. finish it, for which I'm grateful. Anal Play. "Miss Granger, could you please show Miss Davis and Miss Greengrass the quarters?" "After you told us your history, it was the least I could do," she answered with a small smile. However, it does matter on the She raised a hand at Hermione's impending question. Entertaining as that idea was, he admitted Despite the speed of his spells, Harry never once seemed to be excited or hurried. Poena.". "Very well, Harry," Dumbledore said with a disappointed look on his face. time to decide." "Wearing armor would violate the Code," Flitwick said sternly. Flitwick shook his head. ", Harry shook his head. Clearly annoyed at the ease of Harry's counter, Draco sent a spread of stunners around the shield and dark purple spears into and through the physical barrier. ", "So what do you want to do after graduation? . From a pure-blood point of view, it's fully expected that you'll be bedding both of us as often as Everyone turn your papers over. Violet nodded, looking at the two Slytherin girls in clear curiosity. "Then you were trying to take advantage of my background, assuming I'm ignorant?" Her eyes had yet to adjust to the low light in the And if someone says the word Harem I'll tear my eyes out. The fact that they had neither tried to hex her nor grudgingly asked for help with homework - the only two he asked in defeat. her mouth and wrist, preventing her from saying more than "Wha-" and drawing the wand she had already gripped. ", "Potter is . I'm fine. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles well, its a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. Hermione asked, trying not to let her disbelief color her voice. "I'll tell you anything you need to know. "For your safety, I'd recommend having your dinner in your new rooms. "Well said," he congratulated her. A very big crime organisation that was caught in the slave trade. . Jack Ryan is owned by: Tom Clancy, Jack Ryan Enterprises, and Putnam Publishing ", "Touch." a familiar voice asked. The bedroom doors off of the common area aren't locked, but I'll knock before entering. ", Harry blew out a breath and headed toward the door. "Yes, Miss Greengrass, you two may join us, though it is not for formalized dueling, rather for true magical fights." Harry blushed magnificently again. from the more moderate families. I'll be facing you in the next duel.". ", "It'll be a pleasure to wipe that smirk off your face, scarhead," Draco said happily. His eyes shifted from each of the girls to another. But you'll never guess what I need to tell you. But it was her eyes that would make every man melt. When he arrives, Harry almost breaks out laughing as he sees what set Petunia off. "Don't tell me that I have another title from the whole Boy Who Lived business! "Look at it from our point of view," Tracey said with a grimace. Simply put, blood has nothing to do with how good a wizard is. After growing tired, the spirit of Hogwarts called out to Lady Magic to help Harry find a new place in life, and when the names were picked for the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and some girls were sent to another world that was full of strange and beautiful animals. "No . "With your friendship with the Weasleys, I'd though they would have taught you some of it," Tracey observed, not quite asking the obvious question. "As to the duel you tried to contrive with your pet Potions Master, it's rather disconcerting to see you flip-flopping on the permissions and rules Yes, human slavery was abolished in Magical Britain, in the seventeenth century incidentally, but a very Upon looking at the index, he found that the chapter about slaves was Chapter 9. "Is that true, Albus? A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter and a variety of women from different fandoms(including his own) in smutty situations. ." "Very well. I don't intend on ever going back. "By sacrificing two girls to Malfoy and his clique?" I know that, I'm just being random and contrary. doesn't mean I have any intention of sleeping in the same bed as Tracey! I'd prefer not to be treated that way, of course, but legally there She leaned over and whispered into his ear, "And remember: though you've humiliated Draco already, you haven't rescued me yet. "They have no reason to accept, but if you mention that they're allowed All four of them appear in an alley not far from #4. no I refuse to allow those spells to be cast in these halls," Dumbledore interrupted. ", "To put it bluntly, we were hoping that you would help us convince Potter to challenge the goons to a duel. Tracey pulled the Deputy Headmistress aside and launched into the tale again. ", "Which brings up another issue," McGonagall said thoughtfully. You, a first generation full-blood, are the most powerful wizard in our This story focuses less in the gamer aspects and more on the mc's actions. Things get more interesting when a woman shows up claiming to be his Fairy Godmother. chapters. Remember, if you lose you're effectively killing both Tracy and me. Thats actually an interesting way to go Aleh. X-Files is owned by: Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and Fox Broadcasting "I know, I know. "Technically true, but he will be soon enough. The Head Suite had a small sitting area just behind the guardian portrait. "Thanks, Ron.". She shrugged. All the girls gave him reserved smiles, but Ron laughed aloud. "So I'm now under a legally binding contract to marry them and they immediately become my slaves?" Both Slytherin girls immediately stood and clasped their hands loosely in front of themselves, looking somewhere between soldiers at attention "You want to become a healer, then?" "Well?" "You knew what they were destined for, didn't you? ", Hermione took her obvious cue. We also live close to the Bones family, so I've know Susan since we were kids. "Damn you, Potter." Dudley didnt remove his hand, threaded through stark white hair, moving back and forth as Draco sucked his dick. Harry nodded firmly. Not all Slytherins are evil. "Lead on, then. . Nothing is for certain, especially where the gods are concerned. ", "Healer," she answered promptly. Voldemort agreed to quit but only if I wrote a ten foot essay for Snape on the thirteen uses of frog spleens for potions. It's apparently an open secret around school.". Thanks. The elf bowed and disappeared with another pop. "For most of the Blacks, I agree with you, but Sirius was never a follower of that lunatic.". Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. "Sounds lonely," Harry observed, well accustomed to that emotion. The perfect angel. brides will have to move out of the regular dorms. Get to know the girls, Harry. ", Harry grumbled but nodded his understanding. It is not all that surprising that you would not have found references to Even if it were proven, it still wouldn't stop families like Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Black. "Could you show us the rooms?" "Let's get something cleared up. "Draco would never pass up the chance to try to hurt Potter," Tracy sniffed. "I was afraid of that. There's way more important things to focus on: Like girls. "I'm here, Potter," Draco shouted as he came into the Great Hall. "Now who are you and what do you want?". She took the pot of salve from the elf. On the other hand, Fleur Delacour holds the same precious melody in her heart, a promise made long ago that still holds meaning. ", "Remember," Daphne whispered, "you can legally kill him in this duel so long as you avoid the Killing Curse, and Draco will most certainly try to kill you. My first inclination would be to have Harry set off the magical equivalent of a nuclear weapon at each and every pureblood home in Bulgaria. Jumping up and forward, Harry easily cleared the ice shield thanks to the Jumping . I believe such interference post-Challenge against me bends the Code Duello rather badly, too. It's been tradition for the Malfoys to arrange marriages for the Davis family for generations. This is a different take on 'gamer' fanfics. "The challenge would be to find any honor in the Malfoy family," Harry retorted. Voldemort doesn't exist, the Potters lead a quiet life. ", McGonagall looked at her in confusion. Daphne asked several seconds later. "How dare you imply I'd do something like that?" "I'm teasing you, Harry. "Why approach him now? "Just listen to them, Harry," Hermione pleaded, standing near the door. owner without too much fuss. Harry's down in the dumps after his fourth year. "Original? "I rather thought it might be," Tracey said in a dry tone that only a seventh-year Slytherin could produce. Have a good afternoon." "Told you she'd figure that out," Daphne mumbled. "In fighting, not the finer points of formal dueling," Harry corrected before he frowned. What he failed to remember was that the blocked visibility worked both ways. "Doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? "Then what do they want? grave injustice if you did not at least attempt to make the best of the situation.". clearly. The Hottest Jack-o-Lantern Conclusion Did You Know? Harry wouldnt force these two into anything like that, and you know it!". McGonagall asked curtly. I Professor Flitwick just got me with a Bludgeoning Hex. ", Tracey winced. we can resolve this is for you to offer up an apology, Severus assures me that -", "But people could be injured," Dumbledore said in a grandfatherly tone. Quickly, they enter through the kitchen door. FAQ's More You Might Like What is Harry Potter Lemon Fanfiction? Hermione fairly shouted at him. "Definitely. "Not much," Hermione admitted, for the moment putting aside the new term "full-blood". "Are you ready, Malfoy?". silence. Don't show any mercy, and don't Please consider turning it on! Perhaps we could put the two of you up in With a minimum of fuss, she spread a bit over Harry's shoulder, rubbing it in with smooth ", Daphne glared at Ron. "Move aside. "Miss Granger, please show these three the Gryffindor Head Boy suite. ." appalling manners?". For the same reason, you should discuss your job plans with any spouses you may have. Draco gets left at the Dursley's after failing to kill Voldemort. They silently watched the door close. "I know I was willing to do a lot more to convince you to accept this proposal; for what it's worth, thank you for not demanding that of me.". "This is much more restrictive than most I've studied in the past. I'd better turn in. "I suppose not, but I'd have preferred to have known ahead of time. Harry asked. "As a fully accredited wizard, I can make that term to Snape." Not Slytherin and not Gryffindor. Hermione asked. and Snape. Anyway, we were farmers and raised livestock. In the Heat of the Moment 8. them. and you're on his case about it? Harry's in love with Draco. Harry relaxed. . "Severus assured me that is not how it would -". "I'm told that the muggle world is more progressive in their treatment of wives, but in the magical world it all depends on the betrothal contract. "Once you're both in the dueling circle, the first thing you need to do is open your shirt to show you're not wearing For now, I think we need to talk. You don't need my permission for something like that." "Thanks. "Whatever. "Even without being our husband, Draco has made it clear that he intends to use us for his own entertainment and to make us Out of the Head, and do n't show any mercy, and Putnam Publishing `` Harry. Still, why Harry his advantage ; we intend to use it to the Bones family, so I busy... Said dryly I wrote a ten foot essay for Snape on the she a. To arrive reasons we chose you, Harry fought his anger down and thought about.. 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