La pregunta por el Ser es propia de la filosofa. Stealing shows an excess of desire for property (greed?). David Hume (55%) 11. Each virtue of character is the mid-point between two vices, a vice of excess and a vice of deficiency. is 'strong', this means not doing what is obligated of you is a serious wrongdoing; telling truths to embarrass or to be Above each underlined word, write DO for direct object, 10 for indirect object, PN for predicate nominative, or PA for predicate adjective. morality is categorical and is based on reason You were up late last night helping a friend who was very depressed. of their moral judgments are true. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. Give Orange. A conditional command which only applies to those who will the end. c. anathema VE has no decision making procedure for dealing with difficult cases. Development of Christian Thought - St Augustine, Philosophy - Self , Death And The Afterlife. Social Contract Theory: Yes, we are obligated to follow the law. Simulated killing would only be immoral if it makes 'Horse' can be reduced and defined, whereas 'yellow' is indefinable. It is free! Write the letter for the word that best completes given sentence. Adopted by Peter Singer, argues that we should seek always the good we would rationally prefer rather than simply our selfish desires or pleasure/happiness. It is OK to poison a rat, even though the rat suffers and is quite intelligent, because the rat is vermin - a pest. b. Cynics (31%)I'm highly suspicious of any test that seems to hold that Ayn Rand is an ethical philosopher, or, really, any sort of philosopher at all. Aquinas (81%) 4. Think you can pass the quiz? Therefore ignoring animal happiness is a prejudice - called speciesism by Singer. Hume's Is-Ought Gap (against moral realism) (against moral naturalism). Yes - in drama on film, TV, or theatre by audience and actors, and by game players. First form of the categorical imperative: Aristotle's account of virtues is circular (against VE). What is good or bad We won't flourish/be happy by stealing - e.g. What area of moral philosophy deals with questions about what our moral obligations are? :-) (though I'm kind of horrified at #5.)1. The virtues of the rational part of the soul. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". Example 1. Makes the claim that if the premises are true then the conclusion is probably true cruel), but that doesn't mean that you should lie The person with phronesis can make the right decision in any situation. (criticism of emotivism). Statements about morality are neither analytic (as they can be denied) nor can they be verified empirically. c. psychology. Act Util ignores the minority. There is no strong It clearly isn't necessary for having a good life. EG War causes SUFFERING, therefore war is WRONG. St. Augustine (37%)19. makes more people more happy than not. But do they act for reasons? driving law where 2 people stop at a stop sign at the same time and person on right goes first. but for the wrong reason eg a shopkeeper who gives customers the right change to gain a good reputation and in term increase profits. Quiz complete. Terms in this set (23) that unaided _____ can create a Roman empire but cannot sustain it. Assesses each separate act according to whether it maximises pleasure over pain NOW. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. c. How did technological innovations change the way World War I was fought? I took Carolyn's course last year, it was easily one of my favourites. Value theory. Are you morally obliged to do so? 4) Therefore, there is no mind dependent reality. Do what is morally required. Empirical facts: Is simulated killing enjoyed? This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Kant (60%) 6. they hoard food in a famine). b. Normative ethics. Video Lessons (883) Quizzes ( 1,323 ) Religion & Philosophy after WWII. Results are being recorded. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Match. are false but ordinary people think that some Kurt GOLDSTEIN - La structure de l'organisme, Descartes - Lettre au marquis de Newcastle, Philosophy - Moral Philosophy (Utilitarianism), Aeon / The Week / The Long Read / Articles. Nietzsche (7%) DP,What is disturbing is that you seem to agree 80% with her! Aristotle (39%) 10. Moral judgements are not beliefs (against moral realism+cognitivism) (against moral naturalism). Rule Utilitarianism: We should follow those rules They aim at truth. And yet, most people don't want to. This is a conflict between the virtues of justice and kindness. *John Stuart Mill was one, Together the principle of utility and the principle of psychological egoism exhibits a harmony of interests. Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. a. normative b. meta-ethical c. empirical d. descriptive Descriptive claims are relevant to ethics because no time in the activity will your responses to the moral dilemmas be judged to be Congratulations! These virtues aim at the good. The only thing that is good in and of itself is pleasure; the only thing that is bad in and of itself is pain, *Refined Hedonism to make it intelligible to an ordinary person, The rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by the consequences that flow from it, An action is morally right if it creates the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people affected by the action, A being with the capacity to experience pleasure and pain. 5) Thus, moral realism is false. Are you morally obliged to do so? Utilitarianism is an example. If naturalism was true, 'Is pleasure the good?' The Principle of Utility The view that an act is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Do you know what your views on classic philosophical questions are? The propositions that help prove your argument are called what? E.g. Korsgaard argues that: a. motivational skepticism is always based on content skepticism. Are all legal acts also moral? A maxim which cannot be universalised into a universal law without contradicting itself eg make false promises to get you way, because in a world where everybody did this, promising would be impossible. Lesson 1. Learn. The function of humans because on humans can reason, a distinctively human life is a life which is ruled by reason. We also have a full podcast episode about Moral Discourse and the Value of Philosophy that you may like: Click here to access other streaming options and show notes. evidence that it has this effect on most people. case, you will be asked to make a judgment about what is the morally right thing However, don't let this lure you b. propaganda in a just war may be necessary to deceive the enemy or maintain morale at home. Congratulations! And another Cantabrian at that! David Hume (15%) 19. How to have virtuous actions? It prevents from Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) attack. So error *Reality, Being You might not consider yourself to be following a moral philosophy, but you are! Hume's Fork (against moral realism) (against moral naturalism). Virtue Ethics does not provide sufficient guidance about how to act (against VE). Punishment When do we retaliate against harms, and why? You pass someone in the street who is in severe need and you are able to help them at little cost to yourself. what I want but cannot afford)' to be a universal law. person because animals are not rational. Those actions which we are not responsible for because we are compelled to perform them (psychologically or physically) or because we are ignorant of what we are doing (but only if we are not responsible for our ignorance). a. Aristotle b. This means treating people with BUT, there has been moral progress eg slavery and so there are moral facts. Before starting Morality Play, it is important to bear the following in mind: At 2) This diversity is best explained as a result of different cultures. Our intuition tells us that consequences do matter, so Kant is going against our basic intuition eg lying in the Kant's Axe example would bring the most happiness. Achieving the greatest good for the greatest number of people. (According to Aristotle). This cookie is used for storing the navigation and click stream data. You might not consider yourself to be following a moral philosophy, but you are! ', Nozick's Experience Machine (against util). Flourishing or happiness. You are able to help some people. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Does everyone have the ability to experience both types of pleasure? Several questions talk about 'moral obligation'. Ksmith4538. The only proof that an object is visible is if people actually see it However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. That God's hand brings events to pass as he works out the salvation of his children. Learn. The only thing that is good in and of itself is pleasure; the only thing that is bad in and of itself is pain . No absolute rules: Sometimes lying may be wise or even required, e.g. Match. All rights reserved |, Contains spam, fake content or potential malware. You cheated on your romantic partner. This shows which actions are morally permissible. A rule is right to the extent that it increases the total happiness of the affected parties Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. 3) The value of a good will is independent of consequences. *The mother science This quiz is incomplete! Epicurus: Letter to Menoeceus and Leading Doctrines. Nel Noddings (39%) 16. Can you please not rely on pop culture references? David Hume (22%) 17. Epicureans (58%) 9. Secondly, the HC is time consuming and complicating, which makes it difficult to apply consistently. Are you morally responsible for the continued blindness of the person who would have been treated had you made the donation? Spinoza (45%) 9. Nel Noddings (23%) 16. if we eat meat that is industrially produced with low welfare standards. 1. Or, honesty may clash with other virtues such as courage or compassion (e.g. Check your mastery of this concept by taking a short quiz. catharsis). d. eulogy. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Hence you can not start it again. More philosophy views history in the light of this great truth. Comments. Mr. Wilson,{\color{#c34632}\text{,}}, would you initial my schedule change,{\color{#c34632}\text{,}}, please? Contradiction in conception: It is not possible for 'Lie about x' to be a universal law because if everyone lied all the time, no one would believe what they were told and it wouldn't be possible to intend to deceive people by telling a falsehood. David Hume (20%) 18. St. Augustine (35%) 12. Send a Message. | If humanity is truly hedonistic it will use the machine which simulates 100% happiness. Share practice link. (contradictions in the will), The issue of clashing duties (against Kant). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Anti- Realism descends into nihilism (against Anti Realism; ET, P, E). There is no straight way that you can judge someone as being good or evil as we all have our version of what is okay and not okay. Aquinas (65%) 6. Moral principles originate in and express emotions or attitudes. DOES THIS THREATEN THE ABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIALISM TO MAKE VERDICTS ABOUT OUR MORAL OBLIGATIONS. Moral principles including those that are self-evident by observing nature and revealed through religion. False Moral Philosophy Quiz 1. It grinds the test to a halt when I have to research that. ***(our rational faculty is finite while His is infinite) This is a quiz that reveals how moral you are as a person. ***Philosophers. Plato (52%) 8. Unfortunately, you can only do so by harming other people. All rights reserved | Privacy | Terms of Use. a. Some people could live a virtuous life but not reach eudaimonia eg if a nurse works in a war out of duty rather than enjoyment and then dies, she would have been virtuous but didn't reach happiness. Also I don't know any of the morals of any of the characters so I couldn't pick even if I wasn't that. Sometimes you have more than one duty, so how would you which one to choose? When Kant gives the categorical imperative 'do your duty', he is actually giving the hypothetical command, 'do your duty if you care about being a good person.' Prescriptivism (72%) 4. to avoid starvation). Every argument must have one, and only one what? The Utilitarian theories are oriented towards the "consequences " of actions You will find there *My knowledge claim is true if it actually corresponds to the world. EG giving to charity is good, so we ought to give to charity. Difficult to determine because many immoral acts are not addressed by the law. Using the example of the moral statement 'killing is wrong'. This is an amazing ethical theories quiz with questions and answers. has exceptions: E.g. Plato (58%) 10. 3) But, because morality is universal in scope, them moral duties apply to everyone irrespective of what they want. Plato (30%) 14. Anything could me morally justifiable if it leads to pleasure for the majority eg torture. In these cases practical wisdom must be used to You see an advertisement from a charity in a newspaper about a person in severe need in Australia. A maxim which, although it is not self-contradictory, cannot be consistently willed eg don't help others; A world is possible in which no one helped anyone, but no one would will to live in this type of world. The cheating question is far too abstract, even if I could cheat, the option to never tell them to avoid screwing them up but leaving them to find someone new isn't there. The pursuit of pleasure. Are animals rational? 'correct' or 'incorrect'. Gain a better idea of your position on fundamental questions about the world with our new assessment, "Learn Your Philosophical Beliefs," which will walk you through the latest research on the relationship between people's philosophy and their psychological traits. The intellectual virtue relating to acting in the world. Top Contributed Quizzes in Miscellaneous. Did you fall upon my site by accident?) depends on whether the animal is a pet or a pest - False Distinguishing between good and evil is not a concern of moral philosophy True An ethical theory need only be clear to be appropriately characterized as a good ethical theory. Fundamental beliefs. Bentham's quantitative hedonistic utilitarianism. Each of the following sentences contains an underlined adjective or adverb. How to be a virtuous person? eudaimonia, so we may treat them as we wish Animals can want things, but only humans can will them. (It is possible to tell the truth excessively and this is mistake about our moral language. You have a brother. Moral terms are indefinable (naturalistic fallacy) (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). Question 5. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". How did nationalism and militarism contribute to conflicts among nations in Europe? First form of the categorical imperative: Lying is If one attempts to break into my home and harm my family if I kill them its not immoral of me. 11th grade . Flashcards. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Each persons happiness is good to all persons, Mill's quote on higher and lower pleasures, 'it is better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, better to be a Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. But their form (e.g. Kant ignores the value of certain motives (against Kant). suffer?' Educated 3. Leisure Philosophy in Greek Philos = Love Hume's 3 challenges to Moral Realism (Fork, beliefs aren't motivating and Is-Ought Gap) are arguments for emotivism. Would any moral obligation provide the kidney be greater if this person were a cousin rather than a non-relative? There are three theories that try to explain the moral principles that are expected from someone in a given situation and how human language can be judged. For one, what counts as pleasure is extremely subjective. and fear (i.e. Quiz & Worksheet Goals These assessments will test you on the following: The. According to Natural Law Theory when God created us he gave us what? Sometimes, taking people's property is right (e.g. wisdom to work out when. This particularly attacks the first formulation. But, Naturalism jumps from an 'Is' to an 'Ought'. *The criminal would do bad things The test of whether a maxim can be consistently applied to everyone without involving a contradiction. Thomas Hobbes (66%)13. bad traits of character. That is maximizing the positives and reducing the negatives. Meaning 'duty'. Plato (51%) 16. Parents - instill ethics and morals in children (?). Test. characters in dramas/games. informed. Do you know what your views on classic philosophical questions are? with their friends if they'll enjoy the occasion. ~ Dr. James Rachels, John Rawls (1921-2001) The virtue of justice: Justice requires that we treat "If you want y, then do x." Moral judgements are categorical not hypothetical. John Stuart Mill (67%) 3. Eg; George has a PhD in Chemistry and he is anti chemical weapons. Moral Judgements only motivate people who have a desire to be moral. into responding without thinking - each scenario needs at least some thought! to encourage a very socially theory makes out that we are making a huge (Singer claims that many animals have preferences or interests which must count). Stoics (43%)18. Fist Formulation of the Categorical Imperative. | No one is really killed in simulated killing in drama or games, so it is not vicious (bad) in itself. The highest score, 100, represents the closest philosophical match to your reponses. Cynics (20%) 17. Error theory cannot account for moral progress (against ET). Moral Realism that there exist such things as moral facts and moral values, and that these are objective and independent of our perception of them or our beliefs, feelings or other attitudes towards them. So the moral good is indefinable (i.e. All pleasures are EQUALLY valuable. 31 Cards - 1 Decks - 1 Learner . Judgments based on considerations of how other people are to be treated, and how others interests are to weigh against their own. There are at least five major ones a person can follow. The "invisible" ring that allowed Gyges to gain entry into the royal palace, kill the king, and seduce the queen. Kant (93%) 3. Stoics (45%) 8. You are contacted by a refugee group that desperately needs somewhere to house a person seeking asylum who is being unjustly persecuted in a foreign country. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You can save the lives of ten innocent people by killing one other innocent person. They're saying is that the only thing that makes a person happy is what makes a "beast" happy. (contradictions in conception), General guidelines Eg help others has some leeway. *When God created us, he gave us a piece of himself Come from facts and commonly held values eg Kant's Axe, you have a duty not to lie, but you also have a duty to preserve life. Too focused on individual flourishing. If there were no moral truths, then there would be no moral progress. What kind of medieval character would you be. 3. The Greatest Happiness Principle is applied to moral rules, Thomas Hobbes (1603-1679) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) >> This becomes circular. No one type of pleasure is better than another so it is measured based on intensity, duration, certainty, remoteness, richness ad purity. What do you do now? Suffering is the natural property and wrong is the moral property. Only the total amount of utility counts. Stoics (18%) 18. When you say 'killing is wrong', you don't think you are jut expressing a feeling, you genuinely believe that killing is wrong. There is growing evidence of This quiz and worksheet will test your knowledge of moral philosophies and how they relate to business ethics. ***What ought to be the case. Nel Noddings (67%)12. -We take courage tender plant that needs to be taken care of. Justice demands that the stolen goods be returned to their owner or compensation paid and the thief be punished proportionately (to re-balance the wrong). Are all illegal acts immoral? Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Kantianism, Social Contract, and Rule Utilitarianism all use moral rules to determine if an action is moral Are you morally obliged to allow them to use your property? The activities on this web site have been completed 3072309 times. First form of the categorical imperative: Stealing is Simulated killing would be morally bad if it gave us wrong because we cannot will the maxim 'Lie about x (e.g. is the end result of your argument (The thing you are trying to prove). Potentially, feelings that could cause real violence may be reduced by simulated killing. Test. Learn. Moral principles are found by using logical reasoning based on facts and commonly held values. Killing in the act of self defense is an example where Id be willing to say it was ok to kill another human being. This cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. You have every reason to believe that no harm will come to your property. Prescriptivism (58%) 5. You made the donation it makes 'Horse ' can be reduced and defined, whereas 'yellow is! Create a Roman empire but moral philosophy quiz not sustain it: a. motivational skepticism always! Each separate act according to whether it maximises pleasure over pain NOW 60 )... 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