Imports Rating Specialist. Employees are just a headcount. Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if ECU Worldwide is right for you. Ecu Worldwide: Your #1 Choice to West Africa. This rating has improved by 12% over the last 12 months. With the ability to handle all types of cargo from hazardous to temperature-controlled to full charter projects - ECU Worldwide has secured more than 100 airline contracts and maintains strong domestic airline relationships. ECU Worldwide, Now offering unique service from the Atlanta to Kingston! ECU Worldwide is one of the largest NVOCCs in the ocean freight transportation industry, specializing in less-than-container load (LCL) freight consolidation, and full-container load (FCL) shipping. Search by Reference, BL, Container, Client Reference, Booking number. ECU Worldwide | 52,980 followers on LinkedIn. Thanks for your valuable feedback, and glad to hear that you had a positive experience working in ECU Worldwide. Our warehouses are geared to service your cargo in every major region. Weekly Direct USA LCL Export Services to Xingang & Tianjin! Founded in 1987, we are one of the major players in multimodal transport, we ensure smooth, safe and end-to-end coordination for your cargo, whatever the destination. USA LCL EXPORT HOUSTON TO BUSAN - DIRECT & ALL-WATER, USA HOUSTON TO SHANGHAI - DIRECT & ALL WATER, USA LCL EXPORT - PSS TO MANAUS - OCT 21ST 2022, USA LCL EXPORT PSS - ST. MAARTEN - OCT 19TH 2022, USA LCL EXPORT - PSS - TRINIDAD - OCT 1ST 2022. Led by a strong management team, our foothold now . In 1997 the Global HQ was founded under the name of ECU INTERNATIONAL NV, managing the -in the meantime- strongly expanded group of companies. Now Sailing From San Juan to Kingston! ECU Worldwide has an overall rating of 3.5 out of 5, based on over 82 reviews left anonymously by employees. LCL EXPORT GRI - USA TO COSTA RICA - EFFECTIVE AUG 1ST 2018, **POSTPONED** LCL EXPORT GRI - USA TO SOUTH AMERICA - AUG 1ST 2018, LCL IMPORT ADVISORY - 1664 - CANCELED- Posted Date: June 19th, 2018, 1667 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - EFFECTIVE JULY 15TH 2018, LCL EXPORT ADVISORY - GRI INCREASE - EFFECTIVE JULY 15TH 2018, LCL EXPORT ADVISORY - GRI-BUNKER-LSF INCREASE - EFFECTIVE JULY 5TH 2018, 1665 - LCL IMPORT ADVISORY - ASIA TO USA - EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST 2018, 1666 - LCL IMPORT ADVISORY - ASIA TO USA - EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST 2018, LCL EXPORT ADVISORY - EMERGENCY BUNKER SURCHARGE - EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST 2018, LCL EXPORT ADVISORY - BUNKER INCREASE - EFFECTIVE JUNE 17TH 2018, 1664: LCL IMPORT ADVISORY - ASIA TO USA - EFFECTIVE JUNE 15TH 2018, LCL EXPORT ADVISORY: GRI TO GUAM & SAIPAN - EFFECTIVE JUNE 7TH 2018, LCL EXPORT ADVISORY - HAZARDOUS SURCHARGE INCREASE, 1661 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - CANCELED, LCL EXPORT ADVISORY - BUNKER INCREASE - EFFECTIVE JUNE 1ST 2018, 1663 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective June 1st 2018, 1662 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective May 15th 2018, LCL Export GRI - USA to South America Effective May 15th 2018, ***POSTPONED*** LCL Export GRI from USA to South America - Effective July 1st 2018, Import/Export LCL Advisory - Midwest USA Congestion Surcharge - Effective May 1st, 2018, 1661 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA Effective May 1st 2018, LCL Import GRI - Asia to USA - Effective April 15th 2018, **CANCELED** 1658 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective March 15th 2018, LCL Export Advisory: India-Sub Continent & Middle-East GRI - Effective April 10th 2018, LCL Export Advisory: Oceania BAF Increase - Effective April 1st, 2018, LCL Export Advisory - USA to Caribbean - Effective April 2nd 2018, LCL Export Advisory: Inland Fuel Surcharge (IFS) Increase - Effective March 16th, 2018, 1656 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective Feb 15th 2018 **CANCELED**, LCL Export Advisory: Chassis Fee Increase - Effective March 8th, 2018, 1654 - LCL IMPORT GRI - India Sub to USA - Postponed until March 1st 2018 ***UPDATE***, 1657 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective March 1st 2018, 1655 - LCL IMPORT GRI - Asia to USA Effective February 5th 2018 ***UPDATE***, 1654 - LCL IMPORT GRI - India Sub to USA - Postponed until Feb 1st 2018, **CANCELED** 1653 - LCL Import Advisory - GRI - Asia to USA Effective January 15th 2018, 1652 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - JAN 5TH 2018 **UPDATE**, 1655 - LCL IMPORT GRI - Asia to USA Effective February 5th 2018, 1651 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - CANCELED, 1654 - LCL IMPORT GRI - India Sub-Continent to USA Effective January 15th 2018, LCL Export Advisory - GRI Effective January 11th 2018, LCL Export GRI - USA to Caribbean - Jan 7th 2018, 1650 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA UPDATE, LCL Export Advisory Israel General Rate Increase (GRI) - Effective Jan 1st 2018***UPDATE***, 1652 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - JAN 5TH 2018, LCL Export Advisory - Inland Fuel Surcharge (IFS) - Effective Jan. 1st 2018, **CANCELED** TPWB LCL EXPORT GRI - EFFECTIVE JAN 1st, 2018, LCL Export Advisory - Inland Fuel Surcharge (IFL) - Effective Nov 25th 2017 **UPDATE**, 1649 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA EFFECTIVE NOV 16TH 2017 **CANCELED**, 1651 LCL Import GRI Asia to USA Effective Dec 15th 2017, LCL Export GRI - USA to Venezuela Effective Dec 13th 2017, 1648 LCL IMPORT UPDATE - Asia to USA Effective Nov 1st, 1650 LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective Dec 1st, ***CANCELED*** 1646 LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - OCT 18TH 2017, ***CANCELED*** 1647 LCL IMPORT PSS - ASIA TO USA - OCT 18TH 2017, 1648 - LCL Import GRI - Asia to USA Effective November 1st 2017, LCL EXPORT GRI INTO CENTRAL AMERICA - EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 25TH 2017, LCL EXPORT GRI - USA TO SOUTH AMERICA - OCTOBER 7TH 2017, LCL Export Central American Coload Surcharge Increase, **POSTPONED** 1642 - LCL Import GRI - Brazil to USA - October 1st 2017, 1645 - LCL IMPORT - ASIA TO USA Effective October 1st 2017, **CANCELED** 1641 LCL Import GRI - Asia to USA - Effective September 4th 2017, **CANCELED**1643 - LCL Import GRI - India to USA - September 5th 2017, **CANCELED** 1635 LCL IMPORT PSS ASIA TO USA POSTPONED UNTIL SEPT 15TH, 2017, Caribbean Update on BLPC & Solas Admin Fee, **POSTPONED** 1635 LCL IMPORT PSS ASIA TO USA SEPT 1ST 2017, **UPDATE** LCL IMPORT ASIA TO USA - AUG 18TH 2017, 1644: LCL Import GRI Asia to USA - Sept 16th 2017, ***POSTPONED*** 1635 - LCL IMPORT PSS - ASIA TO USA - EFFECTIVE AUG 15TH 2017, ** UPDATE ** 1639 - LCL IMPORT GRI ASIA & ISC INTO USA EFFECTIVE AUGUST 7TH 2017, 1640 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - August 18-2017, 1638 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA & ISC INTO USA - CANCELED, Pier Pass increase for LA and Long Beach - August 1st 2017, GRI - LCL Export USA to South America Effective August 1st - 2017, ***CANCELED*** 1637 - LCL GRI Germany to USA - Effective July 1st, 2017, GRI Charge Increase for Puerto Rico Effective July 15th 2017, 1638 - GRi from ASIA & ISC into USA Effective July 15th 2017, ** CANCELED ** 1634 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - EFFECTIVE JUNE 16-2017, 1633 UPDATE - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective June 1st, 1636 - LCL IMPORT GRI - ASIA TO USA - Effective July 1st, 1633: GRI Asia to USA Effective June 1st, 2017, **UPDATE** 1631 - IMPORT LCL GRI ASIA INTO THE USA EFFECTIVE MAY 1ST 2017, ***UPDATE*** LCL EXPORT GRI INTO SOUTH AMERICA - EFFECTIVE MAY 1ST 2017, **CANCELED** FAR EAST LCL EXPORT GRI - Now Effective May 1st 2017, **CANCELED** 1630 - IMPORT LCL GRI ASIA INTO USA EFFECTIVE APRIL 15-2017, 1632 - LCL IMPORT GRI INDIA SUB TO USA EFFECTIVE MAY 6TH 2017, **UPDATE** 1628 - Asia & India Sub-Continent GRI into the USA - Effective April 1st, 2017, 1631 - IMPORT LCL GRI ASIA INTO THE USA EFFECTIVE MAY 1ST 2017, LCL EXPORT GRI INTO SOUTH AMERICA - EFFECTIVE MAY 1ST 2017, LCL EXPORT BAF INTO THE CARIBBEAN EFFECT APRIL 23, 2017, 1627 - GRI Asia & India to USA effective March 17th, 2017 **CANCELED**, 1629: GRI Asia to USA Effective April 1st 2017, 1628: GRI India Sub-continent to USA Effective April 1st, 2017, 1626: GRI Asia & India Sub-Continent to USA Effective March 1st, 2017 **CANCELED**, LCL Export GRI - USA to Caribbean Effective March 29th 2017, **UPDATE ** LCL EXPORT GRI TO M.EAST/ISC - EFFECTIVE FEB 20TH, 2017, 1627 - GRI Asia & India to USA effective March 17th, 2017, 1625: GRI Asia & ISC to USA Effective February 15th, 2017 **CANCELED**, Export Advisory - Import Service Tax on Prepaid Freight to India, 1624 - GRI Asia & India Sub-Continent to USA Effective February 1st, 2017, **UPDATE** FAR EAST LCL EXPORT GRI - Now Effective March 1st 2017, LCL EXPORT GRI USA TO SOUTH AMERICA EFFECTIVE FEB 20TH, 2017, 1624: GRI Asia & India Sub to USA Effective February 1st 2017, 1622: GRI Asia & ISC to USA Effective January 1st 2017 ***UPDATE***, 1623: GRI ASIA & ISC into USA - January 20-2017, NEW GRI Charge from USA to Puerto Rico - Effective January 16th 2017, 1621 GRI UPDATE - Asia to USA Effective December 15, 2016, 1621: GRI Asia to USA Effective Dec 15, 2106, TPWB GRI - EFFECTIVE DEC. 5TH, 2016 ***CANCELED***, 1620: GRI Asia to USA - Effective Dec 1st, 2016**CANCELED**, 1618: GRI Asia to North America Effective October 15, 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1619: GRI Asia to North America Effective Nov 1st, 2016, ***UPDATED*** TPWB GRI & OCEANIA BAF INCREASE - EFFECTIVE OCT. 1ST, 2016, 1616: FCL PSS Asia to North America Effective September 16th 2016, USA to Oceania GRI - Effective October 15th, 2016, 1612: PSS India Sub-Continent to North America Postponed October 2nd 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1617: FCL - GRI Asia to North America Effective October 1st 2016, 1611: GRI Asia to North America Effective September 6th 2016, 1612: PSS India Sub-Continent to North America Effective September 16th 2016 ***UPDATE***, FCL 1615 GRI Asia to North America Effective September 6th 2016, FCL 1616 PSS Asia to North America Effective September 16th 2016, LCL 1613 PSS Asia to North America Effective September 16th 2016 **UPDATE**, 1613 PSS Asia to North America Effective September 16th 2016, 1614: GRI India-Sub continent to North America Effective September 16th 2016, 1612: PSS India Sub-Continent to North America Effective September 6th 2016, 1606: PSS Asia and India Sub-Continent to North America Cancelled July 15th 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1610: GRI Asia to North America Effective August 6th 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1609: GRI India Sub-Continent to North America Effective August 6th 2016 ***CANCELLED***, 1610: GRI Asia to North America Effective August 6, 2016, 1609: GRI India Sub-Continent to North America Effective August 6, 2016, 1606: PSS Asia and India Sub-Continent to North America Postponed July 15th, 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1606: PSS Asia and India Sub-Continent to North America Effective July 1st 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1607: GRI Asia to North America July 6th 2016***UPDATE***, 1608: GRI India Sub-Continent to North America Effective July 6th 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1605: GRI Asia to North America Postponed June 15, 2016 ***UPDATE***, 1606: PSS Asia and India Sub-Continent to North America Effective June 15, 2016, GRI Asia & India Sub-Continent to North America Cancelled May 15, 2016 **. ECU Weekly LCL services from the U.S. to San Juan! To obtain your unique rates please login to ECU360. Largest LCL network globally also accessible from remote locations, Largest pool of experienced specialists globally assuring excellent service delivery, Local expertise to handle customs and compliance, HUBS at all major locations across the globe for faster connectivity, Large volumes leading to preferential freight rates with shipping lines, Global network leveraged to serve tradelanes that reduce trans shipment cost and time. Audience . Join us for the Puerto Rico Recovery Effort! ECU Worldwide offers exceptional service at competitive prices and is our first choice for LCL shipments in the industry. 1-866-326-6648 / 305.693.5133 / Contact Us. Experience. Experience the power to instantly generate comprehensive port to port and door to door rates with pick up & delivery in over 50+ countries. ECU Worldwide Locations. 7. Along with its extensive ocean freight service portfolio, they also provide a logistic hub and spoke service for the actual door-to-port service. Think ECU Worldwide! HR was not informed on the interviewing time slot and date. Copyright 2023, Econocaribe Consolidators (an Eculine company). Fast Ocean Transit times from Europe to the USA and Canada! ECU Worldwide is your #1 solution for imports from Asia to Puerto Rico! Your willingness and availability at all times are highly appreciated to achieve the service we get from yourselves. Dash is the man behind Tracking Docket. NEW - XLERATE adding 4 more China Ports ! Free Tools . Backed by a rich legacy, passion and agility, we have brought in world-class innovations in LCL and set several benchmarks in the industry. The relationship Diamond Global Logistics has with ECU is one that we place great value upon. Neutral Miami Centralized Examination Station - CES. Too much procrastination. Shanghai to Los Angeles with XLERATE and IPI service from Los Angeles to 8 US Inland CFS Locations. ECU Worldwide Australia | 391 followers on LinkedIn. Weekly direct services! ECU Worldwide USA offers import LCL/FCL transportation services from origins around the world direct into the United States and Puerto Rico. ECU Worldwide updated Midwest Export CFS Locations. Password Assistance Grow account base in territory by closing new . Founded in 1987, ECU Worldwide is one of the major players in multi-modal transport and global leaders in LCL consolidation. Founded in 1987, ECU Worldwide is one of the major players in multi-modal transport and global leaders in LCL consolidation. In our view, ECU have set standards in customer service that other companies can only dream of. Great people to move with | Founded in 1987 at Belgium, ECU Worldwide (erstwhile ECU Line) is a global leader in NVOCC services. Take advantage of a range of career development or other alumni benefits. Compare ECU Worldwide office locations by office rating, and see reviews, jobs, salaries & interviews from ECU Worldwide employees in each office location. It has introduced world-class technologies in LCL (less than container load) and set many industry milestones, See more. The relationship Diamond Global Logistics has with ECU is one that we place great value upon. The company seems more focused on cost management and not on revenue generation. The service given to us by Ian, mark and their colleagues has been exemplary. ECU Worldwide has an overall rating of 3.5 out of 5, based on over 83 reviews left anonymously by employees. Your willingness and availability at all times are highly appreciated to achieve the service we get from yourselves. ECU is expanding services into Indonesia! ECU Worldwide is one of the largest NVOCCs in the ocean freight transportation industry, specializing in less-than-container load (LCL) freight consolidation, and full-container load (FCL) shipping. READY, SET, DONE! Direct LCL Service from the USA to Brazil! Ocean Freight Solutions into South Africa! ECU Worldwide is bridging the gap with direct services across the pond! You can easily and conveniently track your goods - right from the cargo arrival date into origin warehouse till the D.O release. Door to Door Airfreight? Improved Transit and Costs from the Southeast to Rotterdam! New York, NY 10017-2014. ECU Worldwide | 52,765 followers on LinkedIn. - Ecu has a worldwide Network of Offices I just wanted to say a big thank you to Mark, Debbie and your teams for the great service we have received from ECU Worldwide. Nepotism - Salaries are a complete disgrace - the gap between the person doing the same job can be 30-50 K. ECU Worldwide provides many career opportunities and benefits even for individuals without experience. Fax Number: +66-2681-8262-5. ECU Worldwide has you covered to and from Antwerp! Joondalup and Mount Lawley in the Perth metropolitan area and our South West campus in Bunbury, 200km south of the Perth CBD. Difficulty. Port to Port or Door to Door, our FCL Service is #ecustrong! ECU Worldwide Interviews. 4.4/5 on G2 . LCL Direct Service from the USA to Panama! Verify your email to use filters. Econocaribe and ECU- Line are now ECU Worldwide! Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Tel:0311-87702446/49. Miami to Itapoa Express! Backed by rich legacy . ECU has you covered from China to the Northeast! . We are approached on a frequent basis by ECUs competitors but no matter what they claim to be able to offer us, we are never convinced as to their abilities to attain the high standards that we seek in our service providers. Locations Primary Get directions Employees at ECU Worldwide USA . We are approached on a frequent basis by ECUs competitors but no matter what they claim to be able to offer us, we are never convinced as to their abilities to attain the high standards that we seek in our service providers. Combining technology along with ECU worldwide's Global Network to provide end-to-end logistics services across 180+ countries ECU360 - One Integrated Platform for all your Shipping Needs This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Good collaborative & positive culture, there's an understanding of what needs to improve, as management listens to the employees, but does not seem to act or the approach is not effective. ECU Worldwide offers exceptional service at competitive prices and is our first choice for LCL shipments in the industry. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. 218 EAST MAIN ST HUMBLE TX 77338 PHONE. Ingenuity in motion to serve stakeholders for market leadership, by far. Difficulty. Essential Duties and Responsibilities - Include but are not limited to the following: Maintain working relationships with assigned client base to cultivate business. Dear Respondent, ECU Worldwide USA 2401 NW, 69th Street Miami, FL 33147 USA: Tollfree: Phone: Fax: login to view phone login to view phone login to view fax: Website: : Company Description: nvocc . To apply for credit with ECU Worldwide, please print, complete, sign and, fax Attn: Accounting Dept at 305-694-3133 for processing. Notes: profile last update by adminV0: 28-Jun-21: tell admin to update this profile: ADD TO MY: Approved/Vetted --- Banned LIST login in to use . LCL EXPORT ADVISORY - USA TO VENEZUELA - EFFECTIVE AUG 6TH 2018, 1666 - IMPORT GRI POSTPONED - EFFECTIVE JULY 15TH 2018, 1669 - IMPORT PSS - EFFECTIVE AUG 1ST 2018, 1665 - IMPORT GRI - EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST 2018, 1668 - LCL IMPORT ADVISORY - ASIA TO USA - EFFECTIVE AUG 1ST 2018. 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Great value upon customer service that other companies can only dream of your valuable feedback and...

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